Health and Safety Policy Statement

Steel 4 Structures recognises the importance of occupational health, safety and welfare in the successful operation of the company's activities.

General Statement of Intent

The company believes that health and safety is a vital component of the business. A good health and safety record goes hand in hand with high productivity and quality standards.
Employees are the most important asset of this company, and therefore their safety and welfare is a priority at all times. 
The company believes that prevention is not only better, but cheaper than cure. Profits and safety are not in competition – on the contrary, good health and safety is good business. 
From a legal perspective, the company is committed to ensuring that it complies with all relevant health and safety legislation. Where it is reasonable to do so, the company will strive to go beyond the requirements of legislation. In the unfortunate case of a serious inncident occuring, the inncident will immediately be reported to RIDDOR.
The company is committed to ongoing monitoring and review process, so that continual improvements in the management of health and safety can be achieved. 

Our general intentions are:

  • To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks to employees and others arising from our work activities. 
  • To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety.  To provide and maintain safe plant and equipment.
  • To ensure safe handling and use of substances.
  • To provide adequate information, instruction, training and supervision for employees. 
  • To prevent accidents and cases of work related ill health.
  • To maintain safe and healthy working conditions.
  • To review and revise this policy at regular intervals.
  • To provide all necessary resources to ensure the effectiveness of this policy
  • Regarding Mental health, to
    • Treat mental illness seriously.
    • Identify issues proactively and resolve them.
    • Support employees who face mental health problems.
    • Create pleasant workplaces in collaboration with managers, employees, unions and health experts.